Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fishery/ fish hatchery

I forgot to post about our visit a couple months ago to a local fishery. I can't find a website with the location details and I had never even heard of it until my friend, a Savvy Mommy, told me about it. If I remember correctly, it's about 10 miles up Mt. Loop Highway but don't quote me on that :)
It was cloudy and 'misty' (not rainy) during our visit in late May.

Some things to know before you go:
     - the water is very quick moving with large boulders surrounding and is NOT a place to swim
     - The views are absolutely beautiful so make sure to bring a camera.
     - I did not see a bathroom
     -The hike is short but steep and consists of steps, many steps, too many to count. Not good for strollers or wheelchairs. We had small children with us and didn't explore the riverside very far but plan to return to do so in the future.
     -The parking lot is small and easy to miss (we did) but look for this sign to know you are in the right place.
I will do more research later as to what these Fisheries actually are but enjoy our pics for now!

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