Monday, April 2, 2012

Our favorite best-kept secret

Two words; JETTY. ISLAND. I use the term 'secret' because I only discovered this gem last summer after living here 9 years but after asking friends that have lived here their entire lives and had never even heard of it! A small (free) ferry takes you to an island right off the Everett Marina where the Snohomish river meets the sound (Puget or Possession?). The island is long and narrow and has the softest sand of any of the beaches I have visited in WA state. The island is actually pretty big so even on a 'busy' day it doesn't feel crowded. They also feature different events throughout the summer including campfire stories, nature walks. Our biggest complaint? It's only open from 4th of July through Labor day. Doesn't seem like enough time but it's to be expected with our wacky weather I guess.
Know before you go:

-On a busy day the ferry tickets go FAST. They are free but are first come first served. We found this out the hard way by packing up a whole days worth of food and swim gear on a beautiful Sunday, only to be turned away :(
- There is an outhouse style bathroom on the island. There is no plumbing and no electricity.
-Bring lots and LOTS of water. On a hot day, we suggest at least 3 bottles of water per person in your group if you are planning to spend the day on the island.

I will post pics from last year along with more info for the 2012 season later!

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